FRIDAY 13th September 2024
FRIDAY 14th June 2024
Our AN-E/SPx LTD Field Coil 'speakers have made the cover of Hong Kong's HiFi Bible!: -

FRIDAY 14th June 2024
Fantastic clip or world renowned engineer and producer Steve Hoffman entertaining the audience in the Audio Note (UK) room at the recent T.H.E. Show in California: -
FRIDAY 17th April 2024
Our COBRA integrated amplifier has been reviewed by Hartmut Tielitz in IMAGE HiFi Magazine, Germany.
WEDNESDAY 10th April 2024
WEDNESDAY 27th March 2024
WEDNESDAY 13th March 2024
Constantine Soo has reviewed our IO Ltd Field Coil cartridge over at -
WEDNESDAY 13th March 2024
Jeff Day has published a piece on our new Field Coil 'speakers over at Positive Feedback: -
MONDAY 11th March 2024
MONDAY 12th February 2024
We are delighted to announce that our P3 Tonmeister 300B SET stereo power amplifier has received the 'Product Of The Year 2023 ' award from HiFi Review magazine in Hong Kong!

FRIDAY 26th January 2024
Our AX-One/II 'speakers have been reviewed in Image HiFi magazine in Germany!
MONDAY 20th November 2023
THURSDAY 19th October 2023
FRIDAY 20th to SUNDAY 23rd October 2023
Our friends at Audio Note Australia will be demonstrating the new AN-E Ltd Field Coil 'speakers at the Melbourne HiFi Show!
MONDAY 18th September 2023
THURSDAY 4th August 2023
TUESDAY 18th July 2023
WEDNESDAY 12th July 2023
Elmar Salmutter has reviewed our AX-One/II 'speakers for (in German, English version coming soon)
THURSDAY 29th June 2023
Chris Frankland has reviewed our AX-Two/II 'speakers for -
MONDAY 12th June 2023
A selection of our products have been selected for mention in Part Time Audiophile's Buyers Guides for 2023! Cobra integrated amplifier, CDT-One/II Red Book CD Transport, RZero/II RIAA Phono stage, AN-C interconnects, AN-La 'speaker cable, and our AN-J/D Hemp 'speakers: -
TUESDAY 16th May 2023
Marc Phillips has reviewed our AN-J/D 'speakers for Part Time Audiophile: -
WEDNESDAY 22nd February 2023
Coming soon... the rebirth of our classic small 'speakers, the AX-One and AX-Two. Available in Walnut and Black Ash real wood veneers: -
FRIDAY 3rd February 2023
Ken Micallef has reviewed our Meishu Phono Tonmeister in Stereophile magazine: -
THURSDAY 15th December 2022
Richard Bowles has reviewed our Meishu Phono Tonmeister Silver Signature over at HiFiWigwam: -
WEDNESDAY 14th December 2022
Terry London has reviewed our DAC4.1x Balanced Signature over at StereoTimes: -
MONDAY 12th December 2022
MONDAY 28th November 2022
Jeff Day has reviewed our AN-K/SPe 'speakers over at Positive Feedback: -
WEDNESDAY 2nd November 2022
We are delighted to announce that Audio Note (UK) received the award for 'Best Sounding Room' at the recent UK Audio Show 2022!

WEDNESDAY 14th September 2022
On Monday 19th September, Audio Note (UK) will be closed in respect for the funeral of Her Majesty Elizabeth II.
SATURDAY 26TH June 2022

MONDAY 13TH June 2022
Richard Austen has reviewed our Empress 2A3 PSE mono amplifiers over at -
FRIDAY 27TH May 2022
Our top of there line Level 4 AN-K/SPx SE 'speakers have been reviewed by Carsten Bussler over at HiFi Statement Magazine in Germany (German language version): -
FRIDAY 20TH May 2022
We are at the Hifi Deluxe show in Munich this weekend! We're in Studio 6 at the Munich Marriott Hotel, Berliner Straße 93, 80805, München-Schwabing.
We have a very special system... including our new Field Coil AN-E and the belt drive CD Transport! Our marvellous Musical Ambassador Vincent Bélanger is in attendance, so don't miss it!
FRIDAY 6TH May 2022
FRIDAY 6TH May 2022
Our M5 Line preamplifier is the cover star for Y. K. Chan’s Hi Fi Bible 2022 Summer issue: -
THURSDAY 28TH April 2022
Wojciech Pacuła has reviewed our COBRA integrated amplifier for High Fidelity magazine in Poland: -
WEDNESDAY 16TH March 2022
We currently have two positions available, starting immediately.
MONDAY 20TH December 2021
Our CD1.1x integrated Red Book CD player has been reviewed by Uno Pipper for Fidelity Magazine in Germany. German language version and English language version now available: -
WEDNESDAY 15TH December 2021
We are delighted to have received not one but four Writer's Choice awards from Positive Feedback! : -

TUESDAY 23rd November 2021
We are delighted to have received a 'Certificate Of Accomplishment' award from AV Showrooms for the Deja Vu Audio / Audio Note (UK) room at the recent Capital AudioFest: -

WEDNESDAY 15th September 2021
MONDAY 5th July 2021
MONDAY 14th June 2021
Clement Perry at has reviewed our Meishu Phono Tonmeister SE: -
MONDAY 17th May 2021
Our marvellous musical ambassador Vincent Bélanger has been interviewed on Canadian TV to discuss his latest project 'Les 9', which is a group of eight young Canadian cellists and one double bassist, assembled as a unique merger of exceptional talents and virtuosity.
They will perform live on 22nd May at Salle André Mathieu, and 23rd May at Maison symphonique.
The Ensemble recently made its debut with the original numerical recording Abstractions, distributed on BANDCAMP: -
Check out the clip of Vincent's interview below: -
MONDAY 17th May 2021
Terry London has reviewed our DAC3.1x/II over at -
TUESDAY 11th May 2021
Richard Austen's review of our AN-K/SPe 'speakers for is now live!: -
THURSDAY 6th May 2021
Currently 'speakers in Yew and Tulip Wood are unavailable, as we are are experiencing difficulty sourcing these veneers.
WEDNESDAY 5th May 2021
We have taken the decision to cease production and sale of all 'speaker kits immediately.
SATURDAY 27th March 2021
Graeme Budd has reviewed our IO 1 Moving Coil cartridge for
WEDNESDAY 17th March 2021
Helmut Hack has reviewed our JINRO 211 SET integrated amplifier for Image HiFi magazine in Germany. English version here. Original German version here.
FRIDAY 12th March 2021
Michael Bruss has reviewed our AN-K/SPe 'speakers for fair German version linked below, English translation coming soon!: -
WEDNESDAY 11th March 2021
Our TT-Three / ARM-Two/II / IQ3 analogue source has made the front cover of HiFi Review in Hong Kong!

MONDAY 18th January 2021
English translation of an excerpt of the recent COBRA review in Hong Kong's 'Audiophile' magazine, and the full original review here.
MONDAY 18th January 2021
Full Audio Note (UK) system review in Audio & Cinema em Casa Magazine in Portugal.
(English translation coming soon)
THURSDAY 31st December 2020
Our P4 Balanced amplifiers have received a 'Best Performance' Award from Audio Art Magazine!

MONDAY 14th December 2020
The interview with Peter Qvortrup in the latest edition of HiFi Critic magazine is available to read here
MONDAY 14th December 2020
Our COBRA integrated amplifier has made the front page of the December issue of Hong Kong's 'Audiophile' magazine: -

WEDNESDAY 18th November 2020
WEDNESDAY 21st October 2020
FRIDAY 2nd October 2020
Our COBRA integrated amplifier has been reviewed by Udo Pipper for Fidelity magazine in Germany: -
THURSDAY 1st October 2020
Our COBRA integrated amplifier has been reviewed in the French magazine TED. Check out the review here (in French).
We are delighted to announce that our COBRA integrated amplifier has received the 'Best Buy Of The Year' award from HiFi Review magazine in Hong Kong. English excerpt translation can be found here: -

The English translation of Carsten Bussler's review over at of our Vindicator Silver and M2 Phono combination is now available!
Richard Austen has reviewed our TT-Three / PSU1 combination over at
Howard Milstein has reviewed our CD3.1x/II integrated Red Book CD player for
TUESDAY 16th JUNE 2020
Carsten Bussler reviews our COBRA EL34 integrated amplifier for (German version, English translation to follow).
Chris Frankland has reviewed our MEISHU Phono Tonmiester in the April / June 2020 edition of HiFi Critic magazine, check out his thoughts here.
THURSDAY 14th MAY 2020
In the latest edition of Image HiFi Magazine (issue 3/2020), Helmut Hack reviews our MEISHU Phono Silver Tonmeister 300B SET integrated amplifier. German version of the article, complete with beautiful photography courtesy of Rolf Winter, is available here.
MONDAY 11th MAY 2020
Audio Note (UK): Peter Qvortrup & Darko Greguras on making digital sources sound like music.
Jeff Day interviews Peter and Darko over at
More info here
We have a new non-magnetic resistor coming in the next 2 weeks. They are 2 watt, non-magnetic but rather than our usual Tantalum resistive layer we chose its sister (daughter material, if you study Greek Mythology) Niobium.
More info here
'The Tube World Monthly' magazine in Hong Kong has made our MEISHU Phono Tonmeister Silver the cover star of the April 2020 edition, describing it as 'The King of 300B integrated amplifiers'.
We are delighted to announce that two of our products have received 'SUPERIOR' awards from FIDELITY Magazine in Germany. Both our TOMEI Kensei 211 SET stereo power amplifier and our TT-Three have been honoured in there 2020 awards!
Jeff Day has reviewed our OTO Phono SE Signature integrated amplifier for
We have added some information regarding changes caused by the current Covid-19 situation...
Enjoy The is running a competition to win an IZero integrated amplifier!
Audiotechnique Magazine in Hong Kong has reviewed our ANKORU/II 211 PSE mono amplifiers
Fiedelity Magazine in Germany has reviewed our IZero integrated amplifier, CDZero Red Book CD player and RZero/II phonostage, here is the English version of the review: -
Fiedelity Magazine in Germany has reviewed our IZero integrated amplifier, CDZero Red Book CD player and RZero/II phonostage: -
Kari Nevalainen visited us at the factory in England and chatted with Peter Qvortrup about all things Audio Note, and much more besides. Check out his piece over at 'INNER' magazine: -
We are delighted to announce that Audio Concept in Stockholm are our new distributors for Sweden: -
Audio Concept
Södra Agnegatan 29 (Kungsholmen)
11229 Stockholm
Tel: 08 6507250
email here
AV Showrooms have awarded our M10 Line Signature preamplifier a 'Product Of The Year Gold Sound' award!

Fred Crowder has reviewed our 4300E / 300B valve over at DAGOGO.COM...
The MEISHU Line Tonmeister has made the front cover of the December issue of HiFi Review in Hong Kong. Review to follow shortly, but here's the front cover...
Richard Austen has reviewed our AN-E/SPx AlNiCo 'speakers for Dagogo. Read all about it HERE...​
Jeff Day paid Audio Note (UK) a visit, read all about it HERE...
Say hello to our latest integrated amplifier, the MEISHU Tonmeister...
M6Phono / TOMEI Kensei review!
Stefan Gawlick reviews our M6 Phono preamplifier and TOMEI Kensei 211 SET stereo power amplifier combination for Fidelity magazine in Germany.
RZERO/II review!
Graeme Budd at has reviewed our most affordable stand alone phono stage: -
Audio Note (UK) 4300E / 300B valve released!
The wait is over! We have received the first batch of our new 4300E / 300B valves, produced in conjunction with PSVane, and they are sensational! Retail price is £800 per pair ex VAT, available directly from us or from our usual authorised dealers / distributors.
CDT-Four / DAC4.1x Balanced Review
The long established and dare we say renowned - famous even - Norwegian HiFi journalist Håkon Rognlien has long been the owner (and enjoyer) of our DAC4.1x Balanced. He has now written a review about this and our CDT-Four Red Book CD Transport. Immense thanks to Håkan for choosing and taking the time to review our products, and also for writing audio reviews that are both interesting and enjoyable. The article can be read here.
CDT-Six / Fifth Element award
We are delighted to announce that our CDT-Six / Sixth Force and Fifth Element / Fifth Force Red Book CD Transport and DAC combination has been awarded 'Product Of The Year' by the highly respected Hong Kong magazine 'HiFi Review'. Chinese language version of the article can be read here.

The Audio Note™ Standard Electrolytic Capacitors
Even though these capacitors represent the starting level in our new range, we have found them to provide considerably better sound quality than any other currently available high voltage electrolytic capacitor, from any manufacturer. They achieve this excellent level of performance by combining a high quality electrolyte with the best available standard paper and a specially developed foil. The result is an electrolytic capacitor of exceptional quality and price, suitable for use in any high voltage power supply Audio application.
As they become available, the Standard Audio Note (UK)™ Electrolytic Capacitors will be introduced in all Audio Note(UK)™ finished products from Level Zero through to the lower Level Three (the power supplies of the higher Level Three products along with the Silver and Silver Signature models will be equipped with the KAISEI electrolytic capacitors).
A range of low voltage capacitors using the same materials and construction has also been developed, which allows us to offer a wide selection of competitively priced, high quality electrolytic capacitors under the Audio Note(UK)™ brand.
See pictures below:

Audio Note (UK) TT Three Turntable
Thanks to Fidelity Magazine and Cai Brockmann for a wonderful review of our exciting new Turntable.

Audio Note M9 RIAA phono stage Review
Thanks to Fred Crowder at

Audio Note (UK) TT Three Turntable
Thanks to Fidelity Magazine and Cai Brockmann for a wonderful review of our exciting new Turntable.

SUNDAY, 29 JULY 2018
Audio Note UK DAC 0.1x Review in Dagogo
Thanks to Richard Austen for taking the time to review our DAC

Product of the YEar Gold Award - Audio Note IO Ltd
We are delighted to announce that Terry and Peter over at AV Showrooms have honoured us with a 'Product Of The Year Gold Award' for our IO Limited cartridge!'

The latest issue of HiFi Critic is out now, and they've reviewed our DAC4.1x digital to analogue converter
We are extremely pleased to reveal that they have honoured it with an 'Excellence' award, writing: -
"...The revised DAC 4.1x reminds me of the Grove-designed Tomei 211 integrated amplifier. The DAC and amplifier share a funky strand of sonic DNA that elevates both beyond the ordinary in the enjoyment of any and every kind of recorded material... It presents us with an opportunity to reconnect at a deeper level with the recorded material that we own, and to derive greater musical enjoyment and satisfaction from it. Audio Note (UK)’s DAC 4.1x Balanced is therefore a shoo-in for HIFICRITIC Audio Excellence status".
Thanks to Kevin Fiske for taking the time to review our DAC, and to HiFi Critic for deciding to review it.
On January 29, Andy Grove and I went on our annual “pilgrimage” to Japan for the 8th year in a row, why go to Japan every year you may ask?
Those of you who follow our Facebook page will have seen a series of pictures, this being one,

Sign showing entry road to Rubycon’s Headquarters, many a time have we passed here!
Well, in our search over the past 20 years for sonically better materials we have, at considerable cost, travelled to specialist exhibitions all over the world, and visited manufacturers to try to find partners able and willing to work with us to investigate and develop processes that result in improved sonic performance, you see some of the results here, in the development done in close collaboration with Rubycon of the Audio Note™ range of Electrolytic capacitors, the hand wired KAISEI especially all of which are currently the premier electrolytic audio capacitor available or the highly specialised silver alloy used to make the non-magnetic Tantalum/Silver and the processes, sputter target depositing of resistive layer, the development of silver to silver welding for example, below is a picture of the sputter target machine used for our Tantalum resistors sitting at the back, Audio Note spent over $ 50,000.00 restoring this machine just to be able to hear whether sputter targeting produced a better sounding resistor or not, fortunately it did!

Other developments include greatly improved core materials, the super permalloy and the 55% Nickel cores, both of which have been improved by studying and improving the heat treatment processes over and beyond what is possible with standard heat treatment processes, again a sizeable investment both in time and money.
Now to news on the Black Gate replacements, basically work on developing the necessary carbonised paper is ongoing, so far the paper manufacturer has not been able to mass produce paper with the completely even distribution of the carbon particles that is necessary to be able to mass produce the Black Gate replacements, processes have improved over the past 4 – 5 years, but we are still some way from having solved this problem, the other problem relates to the manufacture, sadly not only had Rubycon decommissioned the older machines before we managed to get through to their technical department and start the process of restarting production, but Nippon Kodoshi, the original paper manufacturer, had also scrapped the machines that made the Black Gate separator paper, which is essentially what makes the Black Gate capacitor so very special, so we are essentially having to start from scratch and so far this has taken 6 years and from the discussions we had with Rubycon in January just gone it is going to take at least another year or perhaps two for the first Black Gate replacements to go into production, so don’t hold your breath!
Old & Not Great News!
On June 23, 2016 the UK voted to leave the European Union, as a result the British pound has been declining in value week on week against the Yen (and US$ and Euro), unfortunately we buy a lot of our specialised parts in these 3 currencies, well, all of them in fact, so unfortunately we had to raise our prices of all the electrolytic capacitors on September 1, 2016 to reflect the considerable increases in cost we are facing.
However, since most of you will be buying in one of these three currencies there is not a real increase as such.
The tables below show the new prices, as the Pound keeps its slow slide in value, I unfortunately expect another price increase before the end of 2017.
Introduction to The Electrolytic Capacitor Range
In September 2014 we started releasing our new range of exclusively designed and manufactured electrolytic capacitors. We have a close working relationship with Rubycon in Japan which is allowing us to experiment with different materials and manufacturing methods, this is proving crucial in helping us understand the sonic properties of different materials and then develop the best sounding electrolytic audio capacitors possible, culminating in the development of the replacements for the famous Black Gate capacitors, once the various issues mentioned above have been worked out satisfactorily.
The first types to be made available are the standard ‘Audio Note (UK)™ Electrolytic Audio Capacitor’, which were closely followed in October 2014 by the ‘Audio Note(UK)™ KAISEI Audio Capacitor, the AN KAISEI will be available in a standard polarised and a premium bi-polar or non-polarised version.
Overall we will build as complete an audio capacitor range for each quality level as practical starting initially with values to primarily needed make our own finished products, but also to allow DIY customers to improve their own designs with either the Audio Note™ Standard, Audio Note™ KAISEI polar and Audio Note™ KAISEI bi-polar/non-polarized, and eventually the Audio Note™ Black Gate replacement range, which should also be available in polarised and bi-polar versions.
The Audio Note™ KAISEI Audio Quality Electrolytic Capacitors
The Audio Note™ KAISEI range has been developed over the past 4 years in collaboration with the engineering team at Rubycon (of Black Gate fame). Whilst working on our top of the line Black Gate replacements (which are still work in progress awaiting solutions to the problems in earlier parts of this document) we realised that it would be possible to put together a range of more affordable electrolytic capacitors that use all of the same materials as these supreme components (the same special electrolyte, foil and construction quality) apart from the hyper expensive and extremely difficult to produce Graphite impregnated paper, so the only difference between the KAISEI capacitors and the forthcoming Black Gate replacements is that the paper is not graphite impregnated in the KAISEI, otherwise they are essentially the same.
The first Audio Note™ KAISEI range has been available since late September – early October 2014 and started with the following 4 values, we will add a 220uF/500 volt version late 2015 plus bi-polar versions of the 22uF, 50uF and 100uF, so the entire range of KAISEI capacitors will be available in both polarised and non-polarised (bi-polar).

Pictured above are the first of what will become a wide range of KAISEI low voltage capacitors, they will all come in two versions, standard polarized and bi-polar, the bi-polar being the premium versions sonically and of course in terms of price.

We have expanded the KAISEI polar and bi-polar ranges as quickly as possible, one, because the polarised versions replace the low voltage versions of the Cerafine and the Silmic in our own products, as we can no longer get in all the values we need and, two, because both the KAISEI versions sound far better than either the Cerafine and Silmic they will be replaced as we get the KAISEI values needed in stock, three, the KAISEI non-polarised versions can successfully replace some of the old Black Gate capacitors but re-voicing our higher level products using a mix of non-magnetic resistors and other parts.
Forthcoming Audio Note™ Black Gate Replacements
The latest news is that we still have not solved the problem with the carbon impregnated paper, so whilst some progress has been made Rubycon are unable to mass produce the Black Gate replacement at the time of writing, sample production is possible and we have received samples of the WKz equivalent 100uF/500 volt and are in the process of running them in before listening to them seriously, all listening tests clearly show that, as expected, the samples are clearly of comparable quality to the original WKz Black Gate, although somewhat different tonality which is to be expected given that the paper is noy exactly the same as before.
More to follow
It is perhaps pertinent to clarify the situation surrounding the Black Gate capacitors, Rubycon has not made these since 2006 and they are therefore not available, I should warn you that there are LOTs of fakes around, it is comparatively easy to make fake Black Gates, all it requires is a printed sleeve that looks like an original Black Gate, so except from one or two outlets who stocked up before they were discontinued most Black Gate capacitors offered on eBay, Alibaba and other auction sites are fakes, especially those coming from sellers in in South East Asia, so be very weary of “cheap” “genuine” Black Gates on offer from places like China, HK, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore etc. they are most likely fakes.
For the past 8 years Audio Note™ has been working with Rubycon to design and make Audio Note™ branded Black Gate replacements, these will not be exact copies of Black Gates as such, but they will represent what we consider to be a further development of the Black Gate technology, primarily through improved materials but also by combinations of materials with the main focus on sound quality rather than purely measured performance, I think it is important to stress the fact that we at Audio Note™ still consider the Black Gate the finest sounding electrolytic capacitor ever made and we are therefore keen to reinstate and hopefully improve upon this level of quality before our internal stock of original Black Gates run out.
That is really all there is to say at this time.
PQ 10.06.2018