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Copper Speaker Cable

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Available Termination

Banana Plugs (AN-BP) / Silver Spades (AN-SS)

Possible Configurations

Single-Wired Set / Bi-Wired Set

Made to Measure

All of our cables can be ordered, from the Factory via your Dealer or Distributor, in a variety of lengths and termination options to suit your personal requirements.


At their various price points, our speaker cables represent the finest possible choices for connecting your loudspeakers to your amplifiers.

An-La takes the powerful, solid performance of AN-Ba and improves upon it with an increased level of clarity and detail, thanks to its true Litz construction. As with our more expensive copper and silver designs, each separate strand of copper is individually insulated. AN-La is the first of our true Litz designs, benefiting from each single strand being separately insulated from the others in the group. It is supplied in a two conductor "shotgun" configuration, so one piece will be required for each single wired speaker, and two would be required for each bi-wired speaker.

Observe the Screen

As AN-La is a screened cable it is VITALLY IMPORTANT that you choose the correct termination method for your particular amplifier. If you own certain brands of solid state amplifier for instance, the cable must be configured with the screen disconnected at both ends, otherwise the inherent instability of such designs will cause operational problems. Make sure to discuss this with either your authorised Audio Note (UK) dealer or distributor, or contact us directly for further information.

Technical Specifications








Multi-strand, True Litz




Due to Audio Note (UK)'s ongoing research and development program, specifications are subject to change without notice.

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All material copyright Audio Note (UK) Ltd. Unless otherwise stated. Audio Note (UK) Ltd. reserve the right to change, modify, add to, or remove any of the content of this site at any time without prior notice. Further, images on this site may differ from current models or specifications.

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